About Us
Company Profile

YUE-SHENG was established in 1989, a fine connector manufacturer, especially good at the design and development of Auto Insert-Molding specially.
YUE-SHENG has experience of more than 15 years on the plastic-mould industry and our automatic Insert-Molding technology is higher than the level of the same trade or business. We believe that we can obtain the maximum profit for our customer by our rigorous quality control.
Technology progresses greatly and quality upgrade is the management idea of YUE-SHENG for a long time. From the vertical combine, R&D, test-manufacture to mass producing of the production, we always do our best to meet our customer’s requirement in the Electric Connector market. High-quality production and service immediately is the original intention since YUE-SHENG was created.
We Insist that treat every case conscientiously and treasure every chance that the customer offers. We believe that only get hold of every chance and could create next future.
We trust that we are your best choice in your business.
We hope to become the partner with you for ever sincerely.
我們衷心希望與您成為永久信賴的伙伴,在這充滿競爭的科技洪流中 相互扶持並共創光明的未來!